21 Jan
A. V. S. P. Cold and slow snow.
Princess got us a Victrola stereo system for our anniversary. Nice 👍.
I miss Patty. I have her records. 😢
Trying to live in the now.
A. V. S. P. Cold and slow snow.
Princess got us a Victrola stereo system for our anniversary. Nice 👍.
I miss Patty. I have her records. 😢
Trying to live in the now.
Went to A. V. With the Princess for a couple hours today. Beautiful day. I rode well.
Put Christmas stuff in the attic. Washed vehicles.
Signed papers to rollover some financial stuff.
Not much else cause winter.
I wish I could stop getting irritated at Princess cause she says stupid shit all the fucking time. If I say I only need one meal don’t fucking say are you sure? Because it a long shift. If I get hungry it’s my fault not up for discussion. I love her voice but why is the only time I can’t hear her is when she’s talking to me. I can hear her all the time she’s talking to anyone else. Oh and if we need to shovel snow because dog prints don’t fucking let them out while we’re shoveling for fucks sake. Maybe I’m just easily irritated or quashed to many feelings down. JUST THINK BEFORE YOU SAY IT IF ITS STUPID SHUT THE FUCK UP.
whew it feels good to vent.
P. S. I wearing a jacket I’ve had for 20 years it’s still warm and comfortable.
Took M to the ski area.
Made it through yesterday without tears. Only because I stayed very busy same with today as well i suppose. The tears will come hope when I’m alone and can let them down. I chose to suppress my emotions once again.
A. V. S. P.
Sent this to my boys
The ball was big today. Your mother has been gone 11 years today and I still miss her every day. Luckily I had patrolling duty at A. V. in the morning and we took Miles sledding in the afternoon to keep busy.
We’ll keep moving forward your mom believed in us and we owe it to her to live a life she would be proud of.
Love you guys.
P. S. I believe in you too.